Welcoming our new cryotherapy service to Dermoperfection!

We are very pleased to be introducing our brand new cryotherapy service at our Birmingham city centre skin clinic!

But what is cryotherapy? This is a safe and effective removal technique for growths such as skin tags and warts.

Since Dermoperfection is a CQC-registered private medical clinic in Birmingham, this treatment complements our existing minor surgical, joint injections, cosmetic and dermatology services.

Cryotherapy involves freezing the affected area of skin with liquid nitrogen using a special spray gun; this then turns white when being treated and will thaw within a few minutes back to normal skin temperature.

This treatment only takes a short amount of time, so can easily be fitted into your day! After your visit, the treated lesions, skin tags or warts will scab and fall off – this will take up to two weeks.

There is also no downtime associated with this procedure and recovery is usually very quick, often with minimal discomfort for the first few hours after treatment.

We know that these skin growths can make you feel less confident, depending on their appearance or location, so this is a great way to address your concerns and feel amazing again!

Cryotherapy is performed by the team of expert clinicians at our Birmingham clinic, who will give you a clinical consultation and treatment counselling prior to the procedure.

The majority of skin lesions are harmless, and we will always make sure that it is a simple skin lesion that is suitable for removal before treating, otherwise we will refer you to the most appropriate provider.

If you have any more questions about our new cryotherapy service, or the entire treatment range at our medical skin clinic, get in touch with us today and the Dermoperfection team will be happy to help!

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