What is INTRAcel Pro and how can it benefit you?

  • What is INTRAcel Pro?

INTRAcel Pro works by stimulating the body’s natural production of fresh collagen in the skin. It can be used to target skin concerns such as acne scarring, skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles, and large pores, with patients reporting results after just one treatment!

It works by using radio-frequency (RF) microneedling technology to promote the body’s natural ability to rejuvenate. INTRAcel Pro is classed as a medical device and has been FDA approved since 2017, Dermoperfection is proud to be the leading provider of the service in the Midlands.

  • How does it work?

Insulated needles are used in a stamping fashion, releasing radio-frequency waves from the needle tips that produce a heat effect at the tip without damaging the upper layers of the skin. This triggers cellular turnover and harnesses the body’s natural healing response.

  • What areas will be treated?

It is most commonly used on the face, neck and décolletage, however other areas include the hands, and where there is scarring and stretch marks.

It’s good for skin tightening and lifting, improving skin texture and tone, reducing pore size, improvement in acne scarring and surface irregularities. It’s also effective in treating active acne in reducing oil production, and is one of the few treatments suitable for neck rejuvenation.

  • When is the use of INTRAcel Pro not recommended?

We cannot use INTRAcel Pro in the case of infections and open skin at the site of the treatment area or active cystic acne.  People with an implanted defibrillator, mechanical heart valves, pacemaker or any other device affected by radiofrequency cannot receive INTRAcel treatment. It is also not approved for anyone who is pregnant or currently breastfeeding.

  • Can INTRAcel Pro be preventative?

Yes! The collagen stimulation effect can prevent skin from sagging and creasing as much as it usually would.

  • Will I have a consultation first?

Yes, as with all the procedures we offer, you will have a free no obligation consultation to make sure INTRAcel is right for you and to tailor your treatment for the results you’re hoping to achieve.

  • Does it hurt?

Topical anaesthesia is applied prior to the treatment, to minimise discomfort. Please aim to arrive an hour before your appointment for this cream to be applied.

  • Is there any downtime following this procedure? 

Yes, you can return to your daily life afterwards – there will be some redness and swelling during the first day, but after that you should be fine.

You can wear make-up after the treatment, but make sure you apply an SPF to your skin first for protection.

  • Does INTRAcel Pro cause bruising?

Most people do not bruise after INTRAcel, but occasionally there may be bruising around the eye area as the skin is thin here.

If you are prone to bruising, we recommend using arnica or bromelain to help reduce it.

  • How soon will I see the effects?

There will be an immediate improvement in the texture of the skin in the first few days after treatment, however the best results will be noticed two to four months after.

  • Will I look natural?

Yes – INTRAcel Pro doesn’t cause any volume change in the skin, simply some contraction. Collagen stimulation means the skin will not only tighten but look more vibrant and healthy too. Due to the nature of the procedure INTRAcel Pro also does not affect facial movements.

  • Does INTRAcel Pro dissolve dermal fillers?

There is some evidence suggesting that having energy-based treatment over an area previously injected with dermal fillers will lead to inflammatory changes. However, there have not been any reported detrimental effects.

  • How often will I need to have treatments?

After the initial course of three treatments, patients will usually have one every six to twelve months.

  • Will I need a check-up afterwards?

You won’t need to, but of course you’re welcome to book in for a review or just a coffee and a catch up with the team.

Counterfeit cosmetics: are you really getting a bargain?

Many of us have more time on our hands and are online shopping like never before, but reports suggest a huge rise in fake cosmetic products flooding the market to capitalise upon this growth in the online market.

A recent feature in ‘Money’ magazine noted a huge rise in counterfeit cosmetic products making their way onto Amazon. Although Amazon states that it “strictly prohibits the sale of counterfeit products” and “invest[s] heavily in both funds and company energy” to enforce this, it would seem that the cosmetics industry is under relentless attack from opportunistic counterfeiters.

The cosmetic industry loses more money to counterfeit products each year than any other industry – but how does that impact the consumer? Well, not only will the rise in counterfeit cosmetic goods cost the consumer more in the long run, but the products themselves at best simply don’t work as well, and at worst can present a serious danger to your health.

Many counterfeit cosmetic products have been found to carry carcinogens, like arsenic, beryllium, and cadmium, all of which can cause serious internal and external damage. Some counterfeits seized have also tested positive for high levels of bacteria and human waste, which doesn’t bear thinking about!

It is more important than ever that consumers do their homework when choosing which products to buy, and where from; it might seem like a bargain at the time, but it could end up costing more in the long run.

Clinical skincare is the most effective product you’ll find on the market, but these products can only be prescribed by a qualified professional like the medically trained clinicians at Dermoperfection.

Brands will also list approved stockists on their websites, so if in doubt check those and make sure you’re buying safely from a trusted source. You can take a look at ObagiJuvéderm®, and Envy Medical, where you will find our clinic listed as a registered, trained partner of the brand.

If you’d like to know more about any of the skincare brands we work with or our Dermoperfection skincare range which is available exclusively from our site, take a look through the shop section and contact us here if you have any questions, or book a free consultation here.

We are a CQC regulated clinic!

The Care Quality Commission regulates medical providers to ensure these services are safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led; the details of inspections and CQC reports can be accessed on their website. This is sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care.

We have always been a medical clinic, but this new certification encompasses some of our new regulated treatments, like the Silhouette Soft thread lift, hay fever injections, hyperhidrosis treatment (excess sweating) and our steroid joint injection service – more information about these new treatments can be found on our site.

The most important aspect to us is safety and continuity of care; our medical professionals are all trained to guarantee professionalism, skills and knowledge, so anyone choosing their treatment with us can be extra sure they will be in safe hands.

We have provided Medical Aesthetics care and services for over 10 years, and have a reputation to be industry leading, trusted and passionate about making a difference. Our skills paired with only the highest quality of products help us achieve the “best version of you.”

The Dermoperfection professionals are always here to answer any of your questions, so don’t hesitate to get in touch or book a consultation with us!

What do you need to know before trying Juvéderm®?

At Dermoperfection we work with industry leading product, Juvéderm® to provide our dermal filler treatments. If you’re curious about facial fillers and want to know more, you’ll find everything you need to know right here with ‘top things you should know about facial fillers’ from Juvéderm®.

So, we’ve all been there, looking in the mirror, or more recently on one of endless video calls and thought about losing those shadows, lifting those sad lines around the mouth, or having a fuller pout; there’s nothing quite like staring at yourself in unflattering light for a few hours to help you notice your imperfections.  However, facial fillers can resolve all of these concerns, simply and easily.

Fillers are injectable gels used to restore or add volume to the face and lips. The formulas in Juvéderm® products are made from a modified form of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring sugar found in your body which attracts up to 1000x its weight in water to create a juicy, plumping effect. Facial fillers can be used to lift, tighten, enhance, or even correct things like bumps in the nose.


There are a variety of healthcare providers who can inject Juvéderm®. Your initial consultation should be with a registered health care professional. You should not attempt to buy or inject Juvéderm yourself or by someone who is not qualified to do so, it is highly unsafe, against the law, and is extremely dangerous as the efficacy of the medication and injection technique cannot be guaranteed if not administered by a medically trained professional.

You should always seek a registered health care professional who is supervised by a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist, no exceptions.

Ask your practitioner:

Are you a registered healthcare professional?


Everybody’s pain tolerance is different, but practitioners who inject Juvéderm® liken the feeling to that of a little pinch that is usually well tolerated. In addition, Juvéderm® facial fillers include lidocaine, a type of anaesthetic which can help reduce any discomfort you may feel during treatment.

Ask your practitioner:

How can you make the injection more comfortable?


People commonly associate fillers with bad or over-the-top results they may have seen on reality television — but good treatments can give you natural-looking results, they can be practically imperceptible.

A qualified medical practitioner will evaluate your face and aesthetics goals to give you a result you’ll be happy with. Plus, Juvéderm® patented technology allows the facial fillers we use to integrate with the tissue under the skin for a natural look and feel, whether you’re smiling, laughing, or frowning.

Ask your practitioner:

How can you ensure I will have a natural-looking result?


Everyone’s aesthetic goals are different, which is why there isn’t just one facial filler formula to address every concern. You want to look like you, not like everyone else, right?

Your practitioner will create a tailored Juvéderm® treatment plan, depending on whether you want to plump, smooth, lift, or define.

Ask Your Practitioner:

How will you use JUVÉDERM® in my tailored treatment plan?


While the results of facial filler are temporary, this treatment may not require as much maintenance as, say, hair colour or even laser treatments. Results with Juvéderm® can last between 9-24 months, depending on the treatment chosen and the area treated. Talk to your injector about your treatment plan — they can help guide you when it comes to planning your return appointment.

Ask your practitioner:

How long can I expect my results to last?


Juvéderm® is a medical procedure and you should only receive treatment from qualified health care providers. Don’t be duped by advertisements with low prices or popular posts on social media — do your homework when it comes to your injector. Seeing a qualified, licensed injector is important: not only are they trained to work with you to give you the results you’re looking for, but they’re also educated on proper safety protocols with the treatment. Here at Dermoperfection we are proud to be a registered partner of Juvéderm® and a member of SaveFace.

Ask your practitioner: 

How long have you been using JUVEDERM® with your patients? 

To find out more about Juvéderm® and how Dermoperfection’s medically trained expert injectors can use it to give you the results you’re looking for, click here to book a free consultation.

Maintain youthful skin with the Obagi 360® kit

There’s an overwhelming amount of at-home skin care products on the market, and many so-called skincare systems are really just fancy marketing tactics, created to make you buy more and more products, but do they even work and are they right for your skin?

Firstly, we would always recommend having a professional analyse your skin to help you understand your skin-type and to give you accurate advice on addressing any concerns you may have.

As well as a scale which rates your tone and type, based on the external condition of your skin, there is often more going on that cannot be seen by the naked eye, like sun damage. This is where our state-of-the-art skin analysis can provide a much more detailed picture of everything at play; by scanning the skin we can identify any underlying issues that you may not be aware of.

How many of us have used bits and pieces of a “system,” only to throw it away, have a breakout, or forget about it altogether a few months later?

The important thing to consider when choosing your skincare system, is that you look at the complete package. Obagi® systems, are scientifically formulated to create skin care results that can make a real and prolonged difference in the appearance of your skin, which is why we are a proud stockist.

From start to finish, Obagi® systems are created to cleanse, hydrate, tone, and refresh your skin – they are suitable for all ages and skin types. Obagi® offers systems for a variety of skin care concerns, but you will need the guidance of a professional to help you determine which system will provide the best results for you and your unique skin specifically.

One of the most common skincare concerns our patients come to us with, is how to address the natural ageing process. Our advice? Prevention truly is the best cure and starting with an anti-ageing system as early as you can is the way to go if you would like to keep your complexion looking youthful and radiant.

The Obagi 360 System Kit is an ideal system for younger patients as it offers a unique combination of effective ingredients and provides early intervention for loss of radiance. It delivers a resilient feel; diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dull complexion and uneven texture; as well as improving the condition of dry skin.

This system encourages healthy skin renewal that helps to prevent signs of ageing before they appear and fade existing concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Exfoliating microbeads refine the skin’s texture
  • Encapsulated retinol renews the complexion without causing irritation
  • Antioxidants neutralise free radicals to prevent damage
  • Sun protection ingredients defend against both UVA and UVB rays

The exfoliating cleanser and retinol product remove dead, dulling skin cells while the moisturising sunscreen defends against both UV rays and free radicals that damage the complexion and cause signs of ageing.

Explore the right anti-ageing routine for you, with a free, no obligation consultation now.

Celebrating Men’s Grooming Day with Dermoperfection

We don’t need a special day to celebrate Men’s Grooming, but seeing as it is National Men’s Grooming Day we thought we would put together a little round up of some of our most popular skincare treatments for men.

Did you know that men’s skin is different to women’s? Testosterone stimulation means men’s skin is thicker and tougher, and it also tends to be oilier than women’s, often giving men longer-lasting acne.

One of our favourite treatments to suit men’s skin is Envy’s head-to-toe treatment. The advanced 3 in 1 technology exfoliates, extracts and infuses the skin resulting in healthy and rejuvenated skin. The skin conditions that can be treated by Envy include hyperpigmentation, acne, blocked pores, dehydrated skin, skin laxity, wrinkles, fine lines and rosacea.

If you want to create a more masculine look from your treatment, we recommend dermal fillers that can sculpt cheekbones and add definition to the jawline. They can also be used on the chin, tear troughs, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, smoker’s lines and nose.

Having a good skincare routine can keep you looking fresh and youthful, and we have a great range of Obagi products that can be viewed on our website. We recommend Obagi Hydrate Moisturiser to reduce wrinkles and ease dry skin, and using a cleanser instead of soap to wash your face, as soap strips the skin of its natural oils and makes it drier.

If you shave, we recommend doing so just after having a shower, as the warm water makes it easier for the razor to cut through and prevents red bumps; also use a moisturising, non-alcohol shaving cream for even better results.

We also have a range of men’s skincare tips on our social media, which can be found here.

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