Silhouette Soft

The future of anti-ageing is here at Dermoperfection’s aesthetics clinic in Birmingham with the Silhouette Soft suture (thread) lift!

This treatment uses resorbable sutures to correct and tighten the midface, jawline, eyebrows and neck. 

Upon clinician recommendation, Silhouette Soft uses a 12-cone short suture, which offers more control and even more optimised results!

This is a minimally invasive procedure that patients are loving as an alternative to surgery – there is also little downtime and you will see natural looking results. 

Silhouette Soft is renowned for its dual effect, as it enhances instantly and regenerates gradually, giving you results that last for up to 2 years!

The Silhouette Soft suture lift is only available from medical skin and cosmetic clinics like Dermoperfection – and since we are CQC-regulated, we have the scope to perform this medical skin treatment!

Come speak to our expert clinicians today and book your Silhouette Soft consultation at our premium Mailbox clinic!

Read our FAQ's about Silhouette Soft

We want to make sure you have all the information that you need before your treatment. If you have any questions that aren’t covered, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Silhouette Soft is a highly effective suture lift, which stimulates collagen production whilst also correcting and tightening the midface, jawline, eyebrows and neck.

A suture is placed around the treatment area, with special cones to hold it into place. These then help reposition the skin to give a lifted appearance.

We will book you in for a consultation to decide on the suitability. It won’t be advised if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have a history of autoimmune diseases, or under 18. If you’ve ever had an allergic reaction to any of the components of Silhouette Soft, we will also advise against the procedure.

Silhouette Soft suspension sutures are made from PLLA and PLGA (Poly L Lactic Acid & Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid), both utilised safely in medicine for decades.

The Silhouette Soft technique took several years to research and develop, and is now carried out by the most trusted professionals. We are also CQC registered, which ensures our medical staff are working to the highest standard.

Silhouette Soft is performed under local anaesthetic. You will be able to resume normal life the next day, but full recovery usually takes a few days to a couple of weeks.

Silhouette Soft can cause a minimal inflammatory reaction, due to the insertion of a foreign body into the skin. This is a well-known reaction and common to all minimally invasive aesthetic treatments. In some cases, patients can experience minor pain, swelling and/or bruising.

What makes Silhouette Soft so unique is that it enhances instantly and regenerates gradually! You can expect the full effects to be visible after 3 months.

If you’re seeking long-term rejuvenation, you’ll love Silhouette Soft, as the results last up to 24 months!

Long-term effects come from the body’s foreign body reaction, which stimulates collagen synthesis from the activation of the fibroblasts present in the skin. This stimulation occurs in the tissue area surrounding the suture and cones. Collagen production is naturally reduced with ageing and therefore this ‘re-stimulation’ is pivotal to providing long-term improvement of the face and neck contours.

Check out our Silhouette Soft aftercare page here.

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