Treatment Guide ULTRAcel Q+
Thank you for enquiring about ULTRAcel Q+ at Dermoperfection – we know you’re going to love the instant and impressive results this HIFU treatment provides.
Good things come in threes, with the lifting, contouring and rejuvenating power of ULTRAcel Q+ – which Dermoperfection is exclusive providers of in the West Midlands!
Below are the most frequently asked questions about ULTRAcel Q+:
What is ULTRAcel Q+?
ULTRAcel Q+ is a state-of-the-art, clinically proven treatment that uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) to lift, tighten and contour the skin.
Where can I get this treatment?
This can be used on the face, neck, chin, arms, legs, stomach and more. This improves skin tone and texture, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and targets stubborn fat deposits in these areas.
How long does it take?
Typically it takes between 30-60 minutes, depending on the area treated, so this is the perfect lunchtime procedure!
How quickly will I see results?
Your skin will feel smoother and tighter soon after the treatment, however it can take up to six months to see the full, amazing effects of HIFU.
How frequently will I need this treatment?
To see optimum results, we recommend treatment every three months; typically you could need up to 6 treatments, although everyone’s response is different so some may only need one. This depends on factors such as degree of skin laxity and individual collagen building process.
Does it hurt?
You will feel a prickling sensation followed by a feeling of heat when the device is passed over the skin, however it’s only a mild discomfort. No anaesthetic is usually required, although you may want to take traditional pain relief to alleviate any discomfort.
Is this treatment safe?
Definitely! And as you are treated by a team of medical professionals at Dermoperfection, who have 10+ years experience behind them, and tailor each treatment to you, you can guarantee that you’re in safe hands.
Are there any side effects?
You may feel a mild sunburn-like sensation in the first couple of days, however this is usually only slightly discomforting. Your skin may also be red for the first day, and experience mild bruising. If you have more questions about aftercare, feel free to ask us during your appointment.
How should I look after my skin following treatment?
We recommend applying sunscreen daily following the treatment (SPF30+), however we recommend this as part of your routine anyway to ensure your skin is protected. If you feel any discomfort, we recommend aloe vera gel or a cold compress.
Redefine how you feel about yourself with ULTRAcel Q+ – create your bespoke treatment plan by booking at Dermoperfection today.